Tikkurila paints have been proudly awarded the world’s most authoritative eco-labels and accreditations, including the following:


EU Ecolabel

The EU Ecolabel that carries the flower logo is the premier European award for products and services which meet the highest environmental standards adopted by all EU Governments.


Finnish M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials

The Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate has classified building materials into three groups according to their VOC emission levels. The top M1 class is reserved for materials that emit extremely low levels of compounds into the atmosphere. M1 certification is granted by RTS, the Finnish Building Information Foundation, to materials approved in laboratory tests. A panel of professionals also evaluates the product’s odour emissions.


European Allergy and Asthma Label

The Allergy and Asthma label indicates that a product has passed a series of professional tests and meets the strict product-specific requirements, containing no fragrances or other generally irritating or sensitizing agents. The label helps customers select products that do not generally irritate or sensitize the skin or cause respiratory symptoms.


EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

EMAS is a management instrument developed by the European Commission for companies and organisations to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance.EMAS is open to every type of organisation eager to improve its environmental performance. It spans all economic and service sectors and is applicable worldwide. Tikkurila is a registered eco-friendly manufacturer under the Scheme.


Marine Equipment Directive (MED)

The Marine Equipment Directive (MED) covers certain equipment carried and used on ships registered under the flags of European Union member states. Products carrying the MED ‘wheelmark’ are those that meet the requirements on materials with low flame-spread characteristics and not producing excessive quantities of smoke and toxic or not giving rise to toxic hazards at elevated temperatures, saving lives at critical moments.


Swan Ecolabel

The Swan is the official eco-label in the Nordic countries. It directs consumers to select products that are kinder to the environment and encourages manufacturers and service providers to produce such products. Paints labeled with the Nordic Ecolabel fulfil not only the strict environmental but also tight quality requirements, which cover the entire life-cycle of the products from raw materials to the manufacturing of the products, their use, and disposal of waste.


China Environmental Labelling

Products awarded environmental labels under the China Environmental Labelling Program possess superior quality and environmental performance as they must fulfil a set of stringent technical criteria that comply with international standards.


FINAS (IS09001 & IS014001)


OHSAS 18001 (OHSAS: Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series)

OHSAS 18001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management applicable to companies and organizations of all kinds and sizes with the aim of reinforcing management to reduce and prevent the loss of lives, properties and time as well as damages to the environment through accidents.