Water-borne Oil for Wooden Exterior Furniture

Pinja W-Oil is a fast drying, waterborne wood oil that penetrates deeply into the wood; it contains highly efficient fungicides and anti-mould agents, which prevent the growth of mould and blue stain. The oil also has very good water-repellent properties that reduce cracking in the wood. As a water-borne product, Pinja W-Oil is environmentally friendly and easy to use. During application and drying the smell of the product is only slight and the VOC emissions are very low compared to solvent-borne products.
Recommended uses
Typical customers who use Pinja W-Oil are producers of log houses, doors and windows, exterior wooden constructions, such as panels, fences and garden furniture. The oil can be used on all principal wood types – pine, spruce, oak, etc.
Applicaton methods
Pinja W-Oil can be applied by spraying, dipping and flow coating or with a brush, and the application process is very simple. Normal wet film thickness, without thinning, is approx. 80-120 g/m² and the drying time at room temperature is from 10 to 60 min., depending on colour, temperature and ventilation.
The oil can be used as a primer and as a top layer; a separate impregnation agent is not required. Note: Pinja W-Oil can also be used on vacuum impregnated wood. Good external durability is achieved by using 2- or 3-layer systems. For example, on exterior walls 2 layers are sufficient. Note: It is also very important to paint the ends of wooden panels to prevent water penetration through the open pores in the wood.
The lifetime of these systems is normally 2-5 years, depending on weather conditions, e.g. sunshine, temperature and rain. A major benefit of Pinja W-Oil is that it is fast drying compared with conventional painting systems. Application by dipping or flow coating is easy and production efficiency is very high. Pinja W-Oil can also be polished with a soft cloth or other soft media. Polished surfaces are silkier and feel smoother on contact, which is an advantage for garden furniture, for instance.
Maintenance Repainting with Pinja W-Oil is very easy. Deteriorating, dirty surfaces can be washed with an appropriate detergent or mould remover and then thoroughly rinsed with water. Loose materials must be removed with a scraper or sand paper. To improve adhesion, the area should be lightly sanded and the sanding dust removed. The surface can be repainted with l or 2 evenly applied coats of Pinja W-Oil.